Agenda Risk has expanded its expertise in the field of security and preparedness by welcoming Carl-Petter Stav as a valuable addition to the company. Carl-Petter joins Agenda Risk following his tenure with the Intelligence Service.

Assuming the role of Senior Advisor, Carl-Petter brings nearly two decades of experience in intelligence and security-related work. His extensive background spans both national and international arenas, encompassing operational and strategic levels, as well as civilian and military contexts. Over the course of his career, he has grappled with threats from state and non-state actors across various domains, including cyber technology and human factors. He has led analytical efforts and operational units, both domestically and abroad, in connection with military operations and crises. Furthermore, he has held responsibilities in operational risk management and security.

Carl-Petter boasts considerable experience in bilateral and multilateral collaborations, in addition to interactions with national intelligence and security agencies.

His expertise extends to the realm of information security, and he has also served as a consultant at BDO AS, specialising in investigative work, security, and preparedness.

Dag Søberg, the leader of Security & Preparedness at Agenda Risk, highlights the significant relevance of Carl-Petter’s expertise to Norwegian businesses. We at Agenda Risk are grateful for the opportunity to have him on board as part of our expanding team.

Carl-Petter’s background has endowed him with a comprehensive understanding of today’s intricate threat landscape and how Norwegian enterprises can mitigate these threats at the intersection of technology and human factors.

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